Our Orthodontic Philosophy

We achieve exceptional smiles by creating a fun and unique atmosphere that fosters lasting relationships with our patients.

We believe that our best results are attained when our patients are engaged in the process. We encourage questions and love to see friends and family interested in our patients’ treatment. Our patients greatly appreciate this approach, and we are confident you will also.

Upon visiting our Porter Ranch or West Hills office, you will notice that we truly enjoy our patients and their families and are committed to making your orthodontic experience extraordinary.
Our Treatment Philosophy

Our Treatment Philosophy

  • Here at Deuk Ortho, you will get the unique advantage and a superior result due to the many years of experience Dr. Deukmedjian had as a cosmetic dentist.
  • We strongly believe in non-extraction orthodontic care, which means that our patients keep all of their natural teeth in an attractive full smile.
  • Early intervention and carefully planned treatments allow us to avoid the “pulling of teeth” in all but the most extreme cases.
  • Finally, we value your time and accordingly plan the most efficient way to achieve the best results.
The Deuk Smile

The Deuk Smile

What is the secret to a Deuk Smile?

Most people seeking orthodontic treatment have one or two main goals in mind- straight teeth and perhaps a comfortable bite. This has been the goal of orthodontists for many years. The problem, however, is that traditional orthodontic treatment often leads to narrow, flat smiles that can restrict normal tongue function and impede the airway. So what makes a Deuk Smile different? Several factors that his time as a cosmetic dentist has shed light on.
Smile Width

Smile Width

A broad, wide smile that shows at least 8-10 teeth. This creates a more youthful smile and provides facial support as you age.
Smile Arc

Smile Arc

The upper front teeth should follow the curvature of the lower lip and the upper teeth should be much more visible than the lowers

How do we achieve a broad smile?

Dr. Deukmedjian creates a broad smile by employing several techniques. If the treatment involves braces, Dr. Deukmedjian uses high tech titanium archwires to apply light, biologically appropriate pressure to the teeth. The result is generally a wider dental arch. If treatment is done with Clear Aligners, Dr. Deukmedjian programs extra expansion into the digital treatment plan.

Besides the obvious esthetic improvement of a broad smile, there are several other advantages as well. Creating space by expanding the smile means that extraction of teeth is not needed as often. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, the widened arch creates more room for the tongue and can improve the upper airway, thereby reducing the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea.

How do we achieve Smile Arc Protection?

Traditional orthodontic treatment usually involves placing the bracket in the center, or sometimes even close to the edge of the tooth. While this works well for aligning the teeth, it often has the negative side effect of flattening the smile arc. With the innovative Smile Arc Protection technique, orthodontic brackets are placed on the teeth closer to the gum line in order to create a more esthetic, appealing result by making the anterior teeth more visible. By positioning the brackets this way, patients can receive a broader smile with increased teeth visibility rather than a flattened, traditional smile. While Dr. Deukmedjian generally utilizes this Smile Arc Protection (SAP) when treatment planning for all his patients, the plan is tailored to meet the needs and desires of each patient. The bite plays a significant role in determining the final position of the front teeth as well.